Best in Black: 5 wholesale eyewear cases loved by our customers

Although spectacle cases are available in hundreds of different colors, shapes and sizes, sometimes the best choice for production is using a black case. Today, spectacle cases in black are among the most popular and most sold glasses cases globally. But what makes black glasses cases so popular? While there is not a singular reason for why black cases are popular, in conversations with our clients we have learned some of the top reasons for choosing black cases: Black cases are timeless "Black never goes out of style" - what was true 40 years ago still holds today. Although scientifically speaking black isn't...
Hard case, foldable or EVA case: Producing the right glasses case

For many glasses manufacturers, one of the toughest decisions to make is to choose between the hundreds of different spectacle cases being offered by manufacturers today. While other factors such as choosing the right partner or deciding between different sizes and colors are also important, the key question often evolves around the type of glasses case to choose. As a leading glasses cases manufacturer in China, Rongyu Packing has combined it's knowledge & insights from hundreds of conversations with clients and consumers to help eyewear manufacturers make a thorough decision between the different types offered. If you need further insights & ideas, we're always happy to get in touch with...
Why manufacturing spectacle cases in China?